Digital thinkers conf.
The future
& Tech Expo
General of the Resistance
Republic Senator of Alderaan
Leia will show how to implement complex machine learning models and deploy them on any platform.
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Supreme Commander
of the Imperial Forces
Anakin will show demos you can try at home, and share educational resources you can use to learn more.
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Open Source
Artificial Intelligence Models.
Did you know that you can use AI to caption images, understand text, and generate art? Come to this talk for a tour of the latest projects using AI for computer visions.
The Empire Strikes Back
25 MayThe Force Awakens
17 DecemberIf you are looking for how to export and serve your models at scale with AI Serving. This talk is the best practices and lessons to learn from.
Aayla Secura, a Jedi
In this talk you will explore how to use AI to design, build and analyze advanced conversational UX that may work across different platforms.
Count Dooku, Sith Lord
You’ll dive into some of the technical details and challenges faced in building generative models, but no AI expertise is required to follow this talk.
Ahsoka Tano, Padawan learner
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